ISO 28000 Supply Chain Security Management System
Our consultants have extensive experience in the development and implementation of supply chain security management systems.
Supply chain security is a set of best practices that, with the help of our consultants, are introduced into the processes of access management, security control of the Customer's organization.
OREX provides comprehensive assistance in the development of documentation, clarification of the requirements of ISO 28000 to all employees of the organization. Process development.
Implementation of a supply chain security management system covers the following stages:
Diagnostic audit of supply chain security
The diagnostic audit collects information on the organization's supply chain security management practices, to what extent the Customer's organization processes comply with ISO 28000. As a result of the audit, a Plan with the necessary actions is created. Based on the Plan, the employees responsible for the implementation of the actions, the deadlines for the implementation, and the necessary resources are determined.
Development of processes, development of documentation
At this stage, the development of approaches, processes, documents on the security of supply chains is carried out. The work is carried out with those responsible for the processes of product development, production, purchasing, storage and logistics. Security regulations are created and documented to ensure the continuity of business processes.
Implementation of the management system
The developed processes should become a daily practice of the organization. The personnel undergo training, including training in emergency preparedness. The implementation of the management system is accompanied, if necessary, by technical actions.
Final audit and analysis of supply chain security
The supply chain security management system after implementation is assessed using an internal audit for compliance with all the developed requirements, ISO 28000 requirements. The results of the internal audit is one of the input data for the Analysis of the entire system. After the implementation of all corrections and corrective actions, the supply chain security management system can be submitted for certification.
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